SCM for Students!
Student-Focused Resources from Top-Publishing Academics
Engage your students at a new level with our dynamic multimedia courses from top supply chain experts. Our supply chain resources offer easy-reading, cutting-edge content, with relevant cases, auto-graded assessments, and robust instructor support. You and your students will love the MyEducator experience.
Wendy Tate, Stanley E. Fawcett, Tobias Schoenherr, Bryan Ashenbaum, Craig Carter, Lydia Bals
Purchasing is more than just buying things. Supply professionals acquire the best inputs—goods and services—available worldwide. More importantly, they acquire, develop, and coordinate the capacity and capabilities of a world-class supply team. This resource will help your students build their purchasing toolkit to succeed on day one.
Stanley E. Fawcett, Lisa Ellram, Brian Fugate, Vijay Kannan, Ednilson Bernardes
Operations and supply chain management is all about creating value. Operations professionals manage processes to deliver the highly valued products and great service experiences customers want—and are willing to pay for. This resource will help your students build the skills needed to help companies achieve an enduring competitive advantage.
Lisa Ellram, Stanley E. Fawcett, Tom Goldsby, Christian Hofer, Dale Rogers
Logistics creates value through movement and storage. It’s about getting things where they need to be when they are needed to create value sustainably. Logistics professionals make the decisions that make the world go round. This resource will help your students learn to define systems, evaluate tradeoffs, and make great value-added decisions.
Stanley E. Fawcett, Lisa Ellram, Wendy Tate, Tom Goldsby, Christian Hofer, Tobias Schoenherr, Ednilson Bernardes, Brian Fugate
Supply chain management integrates value creation across purchasing, operations, and logistics to improve organizational performance, meet customer needs, and achieve a competitive advantage. This resource will help your students not just gain a balanced and holistic understanding of value-creation processes but also begin to learn how to make value-added decisions.
Stanley E. Fawcett, A. Michael Knemeyer, Amydee M. Fawcett, Sebastian Brockhaus
Competition is no longer company versus company but supply chain versus supply chain. This resource will help your students learn how to build a winning supply chain team. They will learn to assess competitive rules and readiness, bringing together the right players who work collaboratively to create outstanding value.
A. Michael Knemeyer, Stanley E. Fawcett, Tingting Yan, Laura Meade, Sebastian Brockhaus, Yemisi Bolumole
Global supply chains help companies acquire global resources to meet worldwide customer needs. The result: Companies grow their profits even as they lower the cost of living for the people of the world. This resource will give your students the perspective and tools to design a global network and manage processes and risks across borders.
Ednilson Bernardes, Stanley E. Fawcett, Stephanie Eckard, Henry Jin, Stephen Rutner
Lean Six Sigma is the go-to approach for companies seeking operational excellence. Lean Six Sigma is a disciplined, creative decision methodology that is relentlessly customer focused. This resource helps students put Lean Six Sigma tools in their decision-making toolkits and understand how to drive successful Lean Six Sigma implementations.
Barry Brewer, Stanley E. Fawcett, Thomas Pittz, Victor Pimentel, Saba Rudsari
Many high-visibility supply chain initiatives rely on project management capabilities, such as new product development, continuous process improvement, and technology adoption. Purchasing, operations, and logistics managers all need great project management skills. This resource helps students learn essential project management skills and apply them wherever projects impact value creation.
Paula Yen Loubane, Eric Ice-Gipson, Stanley E. Fawcett, Joel Erickson
This resource provides an overview of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as a tool for integrating an organization’s information systems to inform the decision-making process. Students will explore the benefits and challenges of implementing and customizing an ERP system with various ERP modules, such as human resources, finance, accounting, supply chain management, and customer relationship management.
Nick Ball, Gove Allen
Excel is a core tool in supply chain management. In this Excel training course, we start with the basics and cover advanced topics such as modeling business processes, what-if analysis, PivotTables, and Solver. An intelligent, robust, and detailed grading engine automates the grading process and provides students with immediate feedback.
Lisa Ellram, Stanley E. Fawcett, Wendy Tate, Carlos Mena, Elizabeth Davis-Sramek, Vince Castillo
Sustainability is hot—and important! However, delivering the aspirational values customers desire without increasing risks isn’t easy. Supply chain professionals must also deliver innovative, high-quality, low-cost goods and services. This resource teaches students to approach sustainability holistically, enabling them to evaluate and manage conflicting goals and tradeoffs to achieve enduring sustainable operations.
Stanley E. Fawcett
Cases invite students to step into the environment and role of the decision maker. Cases encourage active, experiential learning, giving students an opportunity to suspend assumptions, evaluate problems from different perspectives, and develop a winning solution. If you adopt any of our other supply chain resources, you gain access to resource at no cost. Or, adopt it as a stand-alone resource.
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The Author Team
When you adopt one of our resources, you have access to this world-class author team! Click any author image, name, or Google Scholar link for author biography and published works. Links to their authored books are below.
Sustainability and Risk Management (COMING SOON!)
Sustainability and Risk Management (COMING SOON!)
Sustainability and Risk Management (COMING SOON!)
Sustainability and Risk Management (COMING SOON!)
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