Prepare them for the Office!

More and more programs are seeing the value of teaching their students basic, intermediate, and advanced Microsoft Office skills. Why? Employers are expecting it! Give your students the confidence and boost they need to land the job they want. And with our interactive smart resources and approach, you can teach and assess Microsoft competencies in the live environment. Request access and see why so many programs are choosing MyEducator to teach Microsoft applications.
Nick Ball, Gove Allen
Teach Excel and assess your students in the live Microsoft environment with robust, detailed grading utilizing our MyEducator add-in. This resource has 100% coverage of content in both written and video format. Database and SQL content provide an opportunity for an application-focused learning experience.
Nick Ball, Gove Allen
Teach beginning and intermediate Excel and Access competencies in the live Microsoft environment with detailed grading and multimedia walkthrough training. Plus, robust cheating detection ensures students complete their own work.
Nick Ball, Gove Allen
Teach beginning and intermediate Excel competencies in the live Microsoft environment with detailed grading and multimedia walkthrough training. Plus, robust cheating detection ensures students complete their own work.
Robert Jackson, Colleen Hayes, Gove Allen
In this resource, students will learn to become proficient in both Word and PowerPoint through interactive assessments, multimedia walkthrough training, cheating detection, and automated grading in the live Microsoft environment.
John Anderson, Nick Ball, Gove Allen, Robert Jackson
Go beyond the basic and intermediate skills of Microsoft Excel with this advanced learning resource. With automated detailed grading in the live Microsoft environment and step-by-step multimedia training, your students will learn powerful data analysis skills to match today’s growing demand.
Tom Meservy
Spreadsheets have incredible power, but most of that power goes unused. This resource is aimed at students who already have a basic knowledge of Excel and provides an in-depth look at the many tools and features that Excel offers to create complex and powerful spreadsheets—all with practice opportunities completed in the live Excel environment. Students will come away with the knowledge and skills to become a master at Excel and set themselves apart from the competition in the workplace.
Matthew Harris
With this resource, students gain fundamental Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) knowledge and skills, including the ability to automate their own work in Excel as well as design and program complete applications for others to use. Tackle the most difficult and complex Excel VBA programming tasks for data retrieval, presentation, and analysis.
Nate Stephens, Nick Ball, Gove Allen
Give your students opportunities to become competent in Excel in your accounting course! Each practice set is preceded by instruction of the Excel skills needed to complete the set. Practice sets are graded for both correctness and Excel mastery. Each assessment features MyEducator's intelligent and robust grading engine, which automates grading and provides students with immediate, detailed feedback.
Nick Ball, Gove Allen, Colleen Hayes, Robert Wood
This resource includes over 40 case studies in Microsoft Excel as a supplement to a full Excel learning resource and can be used for additional practice or exam questions. Cases start at the basics, including charting, and cover advanced topics, such as modeling business processes and PivotTables. Assignments are paired with an intelligent, robust, and detailed grading engine that automates the grading process and provides students with immediate and clear feedback.
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